The program has been designed to offer businesses the opportunity to train new employees at reduced costs.
While persons are receiving training, the employer will be reimbursed up to 50% of the training wage, over an approved amount of time. Reimbursements will be made to you in a timely fashion-usually within seven to ten days. Reimbursements are made after the conclusion of the contract. The program provides an opportunity for eligible persons to receive training in new skills and save you money!
When a particular job has been defined and a potential participant is identified, that person will be sent for a pre-employment interview. When an employer decides to hire an eligible trainee, a representative from Workforce Development will come to the employer's place of business to complete the contract. All trainees must be certified and assessed as being eligible before being hired, with no exceptions. (This would be done at no expense to the employer.) Employer will provide benefits to the training participant in the same manner as the other employees of the company. The participant must abide by the company’s personnel policies.
607 - 324 - 0310
Fax: 607-324-3776 Main St. Hornell NY 14843